How I advocated for my design team
At moovel, I ran a bi-weekly Design Clubhouse with my design team. Each session was team-led with creative activities, design breakdowns, critiques—whatever the team wanted. After raving over the Spotify year-in-review that was just released, I suggested we should do the same.
This gave each member of the team a mental break from their product focus and allowed us to showcase our team's accomplishments for the entire company.
Leadership loved the concise summary of accomplishments and teams who we didn't often interact with loved the insight into what our team does as a function of the company. It also led other teams to release their own year-in-review.
My Role
Director of Design, Concepting, Copy Writing
Shannon Hauff (Director of Product Design)
Eric Celedonia (Sr Product Designer)
Charlene Foote (Sr Product Designer)
Jonathan Kurten (Sr Product Designer)
Kayla McClanahan(Jr UX Designer)
Edward Irby (Lead Front-End Engineer)
Jessica Schmidtz (Developer)
Jessica (Developer)
James Stables (Sr UX Designer)
Alyse Gilbert (UX Designer)
1 year (completed as a side project over 1 week)