How I solved complex white-labeling configurations and reduced onboarding churn
I was responsible for onboarding new customers' fare structure and branding for the white-label mobile and web applications. After manually onboarding multiple customers, I wanted to reduce the amount of back-and-forth and help customers understand the guardrails of what can be configured, described accessibly for people who worked in public transit.
With my team, we decided on a simple, clean PDF for an MVP. This document united the company and clients with a shared understanding of all things configurable, bringing sanity and structure to a wild-wild west world of configurations. Expectations were set at the very beginning of the client journey within the RFP. Account managers could collect assets with minimal design support, and clients were less frustrated.
My Role
Director of Design, Concepting, Copy Writing
Shannon Hauff (Director of Product Design)
Eric Celedonia (Sr Product Designer)
Charlene Foote (Sr Product Designer)
Jonathan Kurten (Sr Product Designer)
2 months